Nomadic Peoples is an international journal published by the White Horse Press for the Commission on Nomadic Peoples, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Its primary concerns are the current circumstances of all nomadic peoples around the world and their prospects. Its readership includes all those interested in nomadic peoples – scholars, researchers, planners and project administrators.
The journal publishes two issues per year. It has a Journal Impact Factor (2022) of 0.9 (Journal Citation Reports from Clarivate, 2023).
Cover of the Journal of Nomadic Peoples.
Yaks grazing in Northern Bayanhongor province, Mongolia. June 2023. Photo by Ariell Ahearn.
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Open Access ensures nomadic communities can access and engage with what we write about them without encountering cost barriers. Thus, by becoming a member of the CNP, you support global, equitable dissemination of the Journal’s field-leading research on Nomadic Peoples.
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The Commission on Nomadic Peoples collaborated with the Ford Foundation to digitize, preserve and extend access to the journal of Nomadic Peoples. Back issues from 1979 to 1996 can be found below. Full-text for more recent issues can be found on Ingenta Connect.
Full-Text Archive Contents List (1979–2014)
The Commission on Nomadic Peoples is collaborating with the Ford Foundation to digitize, preserve and extend access to the journal of Nomadic Peoples. A contents list for back issues from 1979 to 2014 can be downloaded here.
#39 (1996)
“The Bedouin Market: the axis around which Beer-Sheva developed in the British Mandatory Period” by Joseph Ben-David and Gideon M. Kressel.
“Dynamics of camp formation among Pashtun nomads in west Afghanistan” by Bernt Glatzer
“Strategies of environmental adaptation and patterns of transhumance of the Shuwa Arabs in Nigerian Chad Basin” by Ulrich Braukämper
“Socio-economic segmentation – Khot-Ail in nomadic livestock keeping of Mongolia” by Bat-Ochir Bold
“Livestock ownership patterns among transhumants in high-altitude villages of the central Himalayas” by Nehal A. Farooquee and Annpurna Nautiyal
“Dairy products and the role of the middleman” by Mohammed Shunnaq
“Nutritional status of Sub-Saharan African pastoralists: A review of the literature” by Daniel W. Sellen
“Ethnoveterinary knowledge in Sanaag region, Somaliland (Part II): Notes on local methods of treating and preventing livestock disease” by Andy Catley and Ahmed Aden Mohammed
“Some traditional husbandry and ethnoveterinary practices of the Messerya Humr Baggara transhumants of southern Kordofan” by Ahmed S. El Wakeel and Abuelgasim Yousif Gumaa
“Some recent publications on pastoralism in the arid lands of western India (Rajasthan and Gujarat): a review” by Michael J. Casimir
#38 (1996)
“Introduction” by Georg Klute”Introduction” by G Klute
“Pastoralism and the state in Africa: Marginality or incorporation?” by Victor Azarya
“Towards an understanding of the fate of modern pastoralists: Starting with the state” by Daniel Bradburd
“The coming state. Reactions of nomadic groups in the western Sudan to the expansion of the colonial powers” by Georg Klute
“Nomads of Northern Kordofan and the state: From violence to pacification” by Kurt Beck
“Peuls et état colonial dans le Borgou français/Nord-Dahomey (1895-1940)” by Thomas Bierschenk
“Saami reindeer pastoralism & the Norwegian state, 1960s-1990s” by Robert Paine
“Local administration and Harasiis tribal authority in the Sultanate of Oman” by Dawn Chatty
“Nomadic society, civil war, and the state in Chad” by Peter Fuchs
#36-37 (1995)
“Ethnoveterinary knowledge in Sanaag region, Somaliland (Part I): notes on local descriptions of livestock and diseases and parasites” by Andy Catley and Ahmed Aden Mohammed
“The veterinary system of the pastoral Pokot” by Michael Bollig
“The Fulani model of sustainable agriculture: situating Fulbe nomadism in a systemic view of pastoralism and farming” by Wendy Wilson
“Women in dairying in the African Savanna: their contribution to agro-pastoral household income in the dry northwest of Nigeria” by D.J. Shehu and W.A. Hassan
“Farming and herding after the drought: Fulbe agro-pastoralists in dryland central Mali” by Han van Dijk
“A pastoral women’s economy crisis: the Fulbe in central Mali” by Marjam de Bruijn
“The role of women in the changing family and social organization of Ahamda pastoralists (Central Sudan)” by Barbara Casciarri
“The Bedouin market – Corner stone for founding of Be’er-Sheva: Bedouin traditions about the development of Negev capital in the Ottoman period” by G.M. Kressel and J. Ben-David
“Tribal schools of Iran: sedentarization through education” by Soheila Shahshahani
“Nomadic fishermen of Ja’alân, Oman” by William Lancaster and Fidelity Lancaster
“Studying nomads: an autobiographical reflection” by Philip Carl Salzman
“The Bhotias: the disruption in lifestyle of a nomadic community in the Indian central Himalayas” by Subrat Sharma and H.C. Rikhari
#34-35 (1994)
“Introduction” by John G. Galaty, Anders Hjort af Ornäs, Charles Lane and Daniel Ndagala
“Pastoral territory and policy debates in Tanzania” by Daniel Ndagala
“Land reforms and agrarian structure in Uganda: retrospect and prospect” by Nyangabyaki Bazaara
“Pastoral land tenure in Kenya: Maasai, Samburu, Boran, and Rendille experiences, 1950-1990” by Elliot Fratkin
“The post-revolutionary rethinking of arid land policy in Ethiopia” by Fecadu Gadamu
“Pastures lost: alienation of Barabaig land in the context of land policy and legislation in Tanzania” by Charles Lane
“Pluralism and ethnic conflict in Tanzania’s arid lands: the case of the Maasai and the WaArusha” by Reuben Ole Kuney
“Ha(l)ving land in common: the subdivision of Maasai group ranches in Kenya” by John G. Galaty
“Pastoral resources and conflicts in North-Eastern Uganda: the Karimojong case” by Charles Ocan
“The alienation of land rights among the Afar in Ethiopia” by Ayele Gebre-Mariam
“Struggle for the delta: Hadendowa conflict over land rights in Sundan” by Hassan Mohamed Salih
“Afterword: reflections on the pastoral land crisis” by Philip Carl Salzman
#33 (1993)
“Mongolian pastoralism on the threshold of the twenty-first century” by Jeremy Swift and Robin Mearns
“Performance and management of natural pasture in Mongolia” by S. Tserendash and B. Erdenebaatar
“Grazing management strategies as a factor influencing ecological stability of Mongolian grasslands” by Dennis P. Sheehy
“The role of ecological perception in indigenous resource management: a case study from the Mongolian forest-steppe” by María Fernández-Giménez
“Why Mongolians say sheep herders are lucky” by B. Minzhigdorj and B. Erdenebaatar
“Attitudes to nature in Mongolia and Tuva: a preliminary report” by Caroline Humphrey, Marina Mongush and B. Telengid
“Changes in the nomadic pattern and its impact on the Inner Mongolian steppe grasslands ecosystem” by Ou Li, Rong Ma and James R. Simpson
“Territoriality and land tenure among Mongolian pastoralists: variation, continuity and change” by Robin Mearns
“The changing significance of risk in the Mongolian pastoral economy” by Guy Templer, Jeremy Swift and Polly Payne
“Decollectivisation of the Mongolian pastoral economy (1991-92): some economic and social consequences” by Tomasz Potkanski
“The reform of livestock marketing in post-communist Mongolia: problems for a food secure and equitable market development ” by Jerker Edström
“Patterns of mutual assistance in the Mongolian pastoral economy” by Louise Cooper
“Mongolia’s nomads build a new society again: social structures and obligations on the eve of the private economy” by Slawoj Szynkiewicz
“Migrant and ethnic integration in the process of socio-economic change in Inner Mongolia, China: a village study” by Rong Ma
“Social relations, networks and social organisation in post-socialist rural Mongolia” by David Sneath
“Issues in the demography of Mongolian nomadic pastoralism” by Sara Randall
“Human nutrition in Mongolia: maternal mortality and rickets” by Simon S. Strickland
#32 (1993)
“Where does the Hamite belong?” by Birgitta Farelius
“Origins and spread of pastoralism in Africa” by Andrew B. Smith
“Pastoral tenure problems and local resource management. The case of Northern Senegal” by Kristine Juul
“Reindeer management in conflict and co-operation. A geographic land use and simulation study from northernmost Sweden” by Lennart Bäck
“One medicine – practical application for non-sedentary pastoral populations” by David E. Ward, Roger Ruppanner, Philippe J. Marchot and Jørgen W. Hansen
‘The reward of life is death’: warfare and the Anyuak of the Ethiopian-Sudanese border” by Conradin Perner
“Relevance of mobility to rangeland utilization: the Baggara transhumant of southern Kordofan” by Ahmed S. El Wakeel and Mohamed A. Abu Sabah
“Household energy consumption behaviour in a pre-Saharan small town in Morocco” by Ali B. Najib
#31 (1992)
“The Role of Livestock in Rural Economy” by Ann Waters-Bayer and Wolfgang Bayer
‘We must teach them to be peaceful’: Mursi Views on being Human and being Mursi” by David Turton
“East Pokot camel husbandry” by Michael Bollig
“Composition of camel diets in Central Somalia” by Ahmed A. Elmi, T.L.Thurow and T.W. Box.
“Camel pastoralism in the Butana and Northeastern Sudan” by B. Abbas, N. Chabeuf, G. Saint-Martin, P. Bonnet, A. Millaird, H. Beshir and B.E. Musa
“Pastures in the feeding of dairy cattle in Uganda, with particular reference to zero grazing” by Herbert S. K. Nsubuga
“Forage conservation and utilization” by Felix B. Bareeba
“Stocking rates and herd structures for sustainable grassland utilisation in Uganda” by Francis M. B. Mbuza, John Holmes, Rolf Beilharz and Rimmington Glyn
“The role of fire in pasture and rangeland management” by Elly N. Sabiiti, John B. Wamara, Asaph A. Ogen-Odoi and Ross W. Wein
“The importance of termites in rangelands” by Mary J. N. Okwakol
“Pasture mineral nutrition in Uganda” by William K. Ndyanabo
“Leucaena leucocephala as a multipurpose tree in crop and livestock production systems” by Charles K. Ssekabembe
#30 (1992)
“Transhumant Alpine Pastoralism in Northeastern Qinghai Province: An Evaluation of Livestock Population Response During China’s Agrarian Economic Reform” by Richard P Cincotta, Zhang Yanqing and Zhou Xingmin
‘The Land Is Yours’: Social and Economic Factors in the Privatization, Sub-Division and Sale of Maasai Ranches” by John G. Galaty
“The Gabbra: Traditional Social Factors in Aspects of Land-Use Management” by Daniel Stiles.
“Environmental Education for Sustainable Development among the Nomadic Peoples: The UNESCO-IPAL Experience in Northern Kenya” by Gufu Oba
“The Raika Dromedary Breeders of Rajasthan: A Pastoral System in Crisis” by Ilse Köhler-Rollefson
“Transhuman Pastoralism in Northern India: The Gujar Case” by Pernille Gooch
“Cash from Camel Milk: The Impact of Commercial Camel Milk Sales on Garre and Gaaljacel Camel Pastoralism in Southern Somalia” by Urs J.Herren
“Somali Oral Poetry as a Vehicle for Understanding Disequilibrium and Conflicts in a Pastoral Society” by Mohamed Abdillahi Rirash
“NGOs, Pastoralists and the Myth of Community: Three Case Studies of Pastoral Development from East Africa” by Richard Hogg
#29 (1991)
“Introduction: The Dromedary in the East African Countries” by Tegegne Teka
“Livestock and Economic Differentiation in North East Ethiopia: The Afar Case” by Ayele Gebre Mariam
“Traditional Husbandry Practices and Major Health Problems of Camels in the Ogaden” by Abebe Wosene
“Camel and the Household Economy of the Afar” by Tegegne Teka
“Oasian Agriculture and Camel Harnessed Traction” by Denis Gérard
“Transformation of Camel Breeding in the Sudan” by M.E. Abu Sin
“Camel Pastoralism as a Food System in the Sudan: Limitations and Changes” by Tag El Sir Ahmed Mohamed and Abdel Ghaffar M. Ahmed
“The Camel Pastoral System of the Southern Rashaida in Eastern Sudan” by Ilse Köhler-Rollefson, Babiker E. Musa and Mohamed Fadl Achmed
“Pastoral Management for Protecting Ecological Balance in Halaib District, Red Sea Province, Sudan” by Babiker Abbas and Peter Tilley
“Livestock Production in Somalia with Special Emphasis on Camels” by Ahmed A. Elmi
“Diseases of Camels in Somalia and Prospects for Better Health” by Omar Sh. Aburahman and Set Bornstein
“Food Production and Dryland Management: A Somali Camel Research Agenda” by Anders Hjort af Ornäs, Mohamed Ali Hussein and Christer Krokfors
#28 (1991)
“The Al Wahiba: Bedouin Values in an Oil Economy” by Roger Webster
“Control of Resources and Social Cohesion. The Role of the Bedouin Domestic Group” by Ugo Fabietti
“Changes in Land Usage by the Negev Bedouin since the Mid-19th Century” by Gideon M Kressel, Joseph Ben-David and Khalil Abu Rabi’a
“The Impact of International Wage Labor Migration on Hawazma (Baggara) Pastoral Nomadism” by Barbara J Michael
“The Unmaking of Datoga: Decreasing Resources and Increasing Conflict in Rural Tanzania” by Daniel K Ndagala
“Composition of Household Herds and Rendille Settlement Patterns” by Eric Abella Roth and Elliot Fratkin
“Transhumant Goat Pastoralism in the High Sierra of the South Central Andes: Human Responses to Environmental and Social Uncertainty” by Lawrence A Kuznar
“Change and continuity in Nomadic Pastoralism on the Western Tibetan Plateau” by Melvyn C Goldstein and Cynthia M Beall
“Sami Ethnicity and Polity – Conflict and Compromise Regarding Development in the North” by Tom G Svensson
#25-27 (1990)
“Pastoralism and the State in African Arid Lands. An Overview” by M A Mohamed Salih
“The Cow and The Crown. What African States Can Learn from European and Scandinavian Mismanagement” by Anders Hjort af Ornäs
“Pastoralists, Ranchers and the State in Nigeria and North America: A Comparative Analysis” by Jerome O Gefu and Jere L Gilles
“Pastoralists and the State in Tanzania” by D K Ndagala
“Government Policy and Options in Pastoral development in the Sudan” by M A Mohamed Salih
“Levels of Identity and National Integrity: The Viewpoints of the Pastoral Maasai and Parakuyo” by Arvi Hurskainen
“Wildlife Conservation, Ecological Strategies and Pastoral Communities. A Contribution to the Understanding of Parks and People in East Africa” by Martin Enghoff
“Pastoral Peoples and the Provision of Educational Facilities. A Case Study from Kenya” by Anders Närman
“Getting the most out of it: Nomadic Health Care Seeking and the State in Southern Somalia” by Bernhard Helander
“Household Viability and Change among the Tugens. A Case Study of Household Resource Allocation in the Semi-arid Baringo District” by Pål Vedeld
#23 (1987)
“Development and Traditional Pastoralism in Somalia” by Abdulkadir A Handulle and Charles W.Gay
“Patterns of Transformation and Local Self-Determination: Ethnopower and the Larger Society in the North, the Sami Case” by Tom G. Svensson
“The Harasiis: Pastoralists in a Petroleum Exploited Environment” by Dawn Chatty
The Educational System of the Israeli Negev Bedouin” by Avinoam Meir and Dov Barnea
“From Nomads to Dairymen: Two Gujarati Cases” by Philip Carl Salzman
#23 (1987)
“The Adoption of Camels by Samburu Cattle Herders” by Louise Sperling
“Grazing Reserves in Nigeria” by Moses O. Awogbade
“Property and Gender Relations among Twareg Nomads” by Barbara A. Worley
“Labour Inputs and Time Allocation among the Afar” by Ayele Gebre-Mariam
“Tribe, State and History in Southwest Asia: A Review” by Daniel Bradburd
#21-22 (1986)
A Special Issue on Peripatetic Peoples